Comprehensive and Systematic Wellness Programs

Most often, physical problems accompany mental stress as well. Stress and anxiety have become chronic elements of an employee's life. All this have led many business organizations to start, promote and adopt the programs for their employees' welfare. These wellness programs encourage employees to engage in physical activities to alleviate mental and emotional stress. Even non-for-profit organizations have started to develop such programs.

Most of the wellness programs whose prime focus is the employee, include aspects such s physical activities, education on nutrition, evaluation and screening of the employee's health and coaching. These programs help employees to gain awareness on their health status and work for improving on it.

The comprehensive and systematic wellness programs help the employees to embrace a better and healthier lifestyle. They are taught to examine their own health issues. The physical health care screenings encourage and motivate the employees to go for a lifestyle change such as quitting smoking. These screenings will help discover any health risk that the employee may be suffering from or vulnerable to such as heart attack, stroke and osteoporosis.

The wellness programs take care of the mental health of the employees by providing anger management, financial planning, and counseling. The environment issues that the programs cater to include work place violence, first aid training, fire safety initiatives and injury prevention.

The nutrition and weight management part of the program encourages employees to eat breakfast and take care of their BMI. It also warns employees against fraudulent diets and identifies healthy eateries in proximity to the office. It also educates employees on intake of fruits and vegetables and multi-vitamins.

The stress management part explains the importance of time management to the employees and focuses on spending quality time with family and friends. This aspect of the wellness program helps employees plan their vacation and develop friendly relations between employees and employers. It also invites relationship experts to help employees sort out any relationship issues that they might be going through.

Another crucial aspect of the comprehensive and systematic wellness programs is the financial wellness. It sponsors financial planning seminars, invites financial planners and informs employees on estate planning. The program also helps employees in balancing their marriage and money and helps them understand their credit reports. The program talks about saving money and informs employees about ways to clear their debts. It also provides ATM safety tips and helps in shopping for automobiles.

The programming aspect of the wellness programs recommends mammography for women, screening for hearing loss, prostate screening and encourages dental hygiene.

Overall, the comprehensive and systematic wellness programs have inherent advantages that offer array of benefits for every employee in perhaps more than just one aspect.


  1. Informative Post! Work from home brings new challenges for employee wellness. Therefore, here is the list of 5 excellent Wellness ideas for remote employees you can offer your virtual workforce.


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